Travel 2015 Quick Trips

Coming back from a three week world trip in January to grey skies in Zurich is always a bit bleak, so we didn’t waste any time planning our first weekend trips for the year. It’s time to visit some new cities!

1. Madrid

(Photo from Flickr)

A design friend is visiting Spain from NYC for a week, so we’re heading over for a weekend to visit her, another mutual friend living in Spain and Kay’s brother who is also living there at the moment. I’ve already been to Madrid when I was hosting some broadcasting Brazilians there during the 2010 UEFA Champions League final, but I didn’t see quite as much of the city as I wanted with all the broadcasting commitments, so I’m looking forward to seeing some of the important sights.

Kay has never been to Madrid and it’s been awhile since we’ve seen his brother, so he is also looking forward to the visit.

 2. Oslo

(Photo from Flickr)

Kay received an email from Scandic hotels about his points and vaguely mentioned that we could go to Oslo for Easter. We’ve already been to Stockholm and Copenhagen, so it would be another country. Then we’ll have seen most of Scandinavia.

Kay was a little surprised when I started looking for flights immediately, but ultimately I booked because I found a great deal. Normally flights over Easter weekend are 400-500chf anywhere from Switzerland, but these were around 200, which is a pretty fair price.

 3. Munich

(Photo from Flickr)

I realised that it was over 100chf cheaper to fly back from Oslo with a stop in Munich and then I thought, why not do a layover? Munich is really close to Zurich, but for all the German cities I’ve been to, I have never visited it.

Instead of spending time in the Munich airport waiting for a transfer, we’ll stop there Easter morning and spend the day there before taking the train home on Easter Monday. Since I found some supersaver tickets from SBB, it only costs us an extra 24chf to take the train home a day later.

The best part about these quick trips is that we don’t need to take any holiday for them. We are still plotting out big trips this year, so it’s nice to save up the holidays until then with these mini-trips to look forward to.

Do you ever do weekend trips in your area?

3 thoughts on “Travel 2015 Quick Trips”

  1. Yes, we try to do a couple of short weekend trips a year since we can save money by driving to most places. We are planning on visiting Atlanta and Asheville in the next couple of months

  2. That’s awesome !
    Madrid is great, though Barcelona has a special place in my heart 🙂
    I have done a few weekend trips to Montreal. We have yet to do one in Toronto, but hopefully we will this Spring.

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