Heading to London

OK, it didn’t happen in 2013 as I planned, but we are finally heading to London soon!

(Image source via Flickr)

I am pretty excited, but I still need to do my gluten-free research. It really adds a lot of work to each trip, even if it’s just for a few days.

I also need to look up what to see in London. I’m a little overwhelmed because A. there is a lot of stuff to see and B. I seem to know a BUNCH of people/bees that are in or around London and I feel kind of bad if I spend all my time looking at tourist attractions instead of with people…

What would you want to see most in London?

10 thoughts on “Heading to London”

  1. Here’s my favorite blog of all time, which just so happens to be London-based. πŸ™‚
    (Her Pinterest page for London).

    I also found this page, although I wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve found it on your own. The options look pretty good, though.

    I would recommend Portobello Market in Notting Hill. There are some pretty unique market finds (I still wish I had bought a leather bag there I found -_-), as well as some interesting restaurants.
    I would recommend doing a Harry Potter tour, as well πŸ˜‰ Jack the Ripper was also an interesting tour, as well.
    I went to a really cool musical, too, which was also pretty affordable, but definitely one of the best I’ve ever been to. I’d recommend booking tickets for one for an evening.

    As far as restaurants, I believe vegan/raw diets are becoming popular in London, so I’m sure with some research, it shouldn’t be too hard to find a tasty place to eat. πŸ™‚ I mean, it is London…

    1. Thanks for all the info Tess! Haha… I’ll see if I can find that bag in Portobello Market… πŸ˜‰ Jk. I’m not going to. Haha!!

  2. Did you know that London has a Whole Foods? I bet you could find loads of GF things there, both ready made and stuff to bring back. As far as London, I love the Courtauld, it’s a small art museum but the collection is amazing. The Imperial War Museum was also very nice. Harrods is also must see, especially if you love shopping.

  3. I’ve never been to London so I’m sure I’d be totally overwhelmed as well! Regardless what you see, I’m sure you’ll have fun and I wouldn’t be surprised if they have gluten-free food options; although, in Italy it was very limited. Looking forward to hearing about your trip!

  4. A walk along the Southbank is always good to soak up the atmosphere. The Imperial War Museum has just reopened & is meant to be really good now. It’s also worth knowing a lot of the big museums are free entry.

    Gluten-free is a pretty big thing over here. A lot of restaurants have GF options & even some of the chain coffee shops (Costa) have a GF sandwich & cakes. Quite a few chain restaurants have GF menus on request, or have GF items listed on the menu. Also most normal supermarkets stock GF food (normally in the Free From section).

    1. All these comments regarding gluten really put me at ease! I think with a little research about where to go, I’ll be set. πŸ™‚ Thanks for the recommendations!

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