Homemade Corn Tortilla Tacos

We didn’t make any tacos for a long time because Kay and I have always bought tortillas from the store. I just never made them before and it seemed like something hard to do. How wrong was I!

I bought both blue and yellow corn flour from the Mexican grocery and decided to test out the blue corn flour when I made tacos one night.

Following the directions on the flour bag, I mixed 1 cup of flour with 3/4 of lukewarm water and kneaded until not sticky. Then I made them into balls and let them rest a bit before rolling out between two pieces of parchment and cooking in a hot pan on both sides.

All-in-all, they were pretty easy, but the rolling process  definitely made my desire for a tortilla press increase! I would love to make these ahead of time and have a stack in the freezer or something to pull out in a jiffy.

For the tacos I just browned some beef, seasoned it with my All-Recipes recipe  and threw in some corn and beans. We ate the tacos with homemade guacamole, lettuce,  cheese and sour cream of course!

I also made a Mexican quinoa salad with beans to go along and we ate chips with the guac.

I keep hearing there is a growing problem for how many people are eating quinoa, but without the gluten in my diet, I really enjoy having an alternative to boring rice with everything! It is a little bit like wheat pilaf, which I miss. Everyone else, stop eating quinoa! 😉And afterward I made taco salads with my mason jars. Yum!

Have you tried making your own tortillas too?


2 thoughts on “Homemade Corn Tortilla Tacos”

    1. Aw, have you checked in a natural foods store? Sometimes they are in the specialty stores. It is certainly not as cheap as rice… but it is good!

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