Gluten free pancakes!

Pancakes are a weekend staple in our house. I don’t make them every weekend, but Kay often requests them because they are his favorite. And how can I say no to a good looking guy like him?

I was a little nervous to start making pancakes again, but one of my sweet bee friends sent me a recipe book right at the beginning of my celiac journey, so I start experimenting with pancakes relatively early on. By now, I have made them from enough different recipes to have them turn out well when I’m not trying something new!

Batter seems pretty different with GF pancakes. Some recipes they are extremely runny and others too thick. I experiment until I have a nice, normal consistency.

For some reason, I also feel like all my GF pancakes are harder to flip than normal ones. Something like they don’t have as much grip as pancakes with gluten in them.

And with all these new pancake recipes, I’ve spent a lot of time testing which temperature to keep my pans at on the stove. Everything is different, hence the too brown pancakes. Or maybe it was just the recipe I used that day…

These days I cook pancakes in two pans at a time to speed up the process and I store the finished pancakes in the oven on a pan at 50ºC so that they are nice and warm when all the pancakes are done. Our steamer oven heats up so quickly that I don’t skip this step anymore!

See, this batch below turned out a bit better.

Pretty good, I’d say!

Some recipes make almost double the pancakes as others. Sometimes we don’t have enough to eat if I only make one recipe. We are lazy and just eat pancakes with no fruit or meat or anything on the side.


Here is my basic adjusted recipe.

Gluten Free Pancakes:

  • 1/2 cup brown millet flour
  • 1/4 cup Schär bread mix B (corn starch and rice flour and some other stuff)
  • 1/4 cup Schär Farina flour (cornstarch, corn flour, thickener)
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1/4 tsp  guar gum
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/2- 2/3 cup milk. (Here I ended up needing 1 cup of milk and half of 1/3. Basically added milk until it was liquid enough…)
  • 1 Tbs lemon juice
  • 1 large egg
  • 1 tsp pure vanilla extract

Then do the usual. Sift the dry ingredients, whisk the wet together very well and then add to the dry ingredients. Let sit 5 min before using to verify consistency is right. I usually do that part while I’m waiting for my pans to heat up.

This is a nice hearty pancake. I will probably keep adjusting this recipe to figure out the milk portion more accurately. After that I’ll figure out a moister pancake! 🙂


2 thoughts on “Gluten free pancakes!”

  1. I discovered that adding gum (guar or xanthum) tends to make my pancakes more dense and rubbery. Have you tried leaving it out and seeing how it affects texture & moistness with your flour options?

    1. Well, I’ve got some xantham gum from London now, so I may sub that. Have you made pancakes without any binding agent?

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