Neubau Progress: VI

When we got back from the States after Christmas and New Year, we tried to visit the flat that first weekend only to find out they had finally locked our building with semi-permanent doors. Oh noes! How would we see progress after this point??

Well… are sneaky. We headed back the second weekend in January with the plan of climbing the scaffolding to our balcony. From there we could still enter our flat via the balcony doors, but it was likely that it would be one of the last times we could freely enter the flat on the weekend during construction.

We noticed several holes this time… like this disturbing cutout near the entrance to the kitchen. What are they doing in there??

And this even scarier hole in the ceiling and floor of the kitchen. It looked like they had completely forgotten to build in a utilities shaft in the kitchen in 3 different apartment layouts through all five floors! They only found out their huge mistake when they started installing the kitchen cabinets and appliances in other flats and realized something was missing. Ridiculous!!!

Thankfully we are one of the last flats to be finished so they had delivered our kitchen cabinets and appliances but they hadn’t started installing them yet. To cut through the concrete they need to do it with water, and if you already have your appliances with their electric parts installed, this can only spell big trouble later on. The whole ordeal was really disconcerting.

But hey… look who finally remembered our extra sockets in the kitchen??

As you can see, the delivery of the cabinets and appliances is why all the flats are locked now, which I can’t say bothers me. I don’t want anyone stealing my oven!

Not much changed in the bathrooms since we last visited.

Not much changed in the bedrooms either…

Our bathtub did seem to have more crap dumped in it though. It looked like they were preparing to install the toilets.

Here in the master bath you can see the hot and cold water taps in our double sink as well as the piping for the sink drain. The where the mirror will be mounted will also have a little ledge behind the sink area.

From the bathroom looking to the french balcony…

The only thing really scary was that giant hole they drilled through all the apartment floors. What kind of company forgets to put a utilities shaft in? That’s a pretty big mistake. Below you can see the texture from drilling with the water jets.

Hello down there! (That’ll be office/business space below.) Let’s hope they close that up properly!

Want to catch up?