November Blogging Challenge

The weather has turned and Kay is away for a month, so it’s time for another blogging challenge! Three posts a week for a month. Let’s see if I can keep up. I’ve been writing a few posts for the Weddingbee “After the Wedding” series lately, but I’ve got some ideas for things I’d like to update here too.

It’s chilly and rainy here, but I’m keeping busy at work and exercising every mornings still.  Most evenings, I feel too beat to do anything besides watching TV and paying my bills, and sometimes even that is too tiring.

I usually look forward to the autumn and winter, but this if the first year where our summer was so dismal that I don’t feel ready for the cold. They say we’re in for a big, bad winter in Switzerland this year. We’ll see!

Are you looking forward to the winter?